How to write SEO friendly article (Expert Instructions)

Want your website to get more organic traffic? Then make sure you are writing SEO friendly article (also known as “SEO content writing”) for your blog.

Why is it-

SEO Friendly articles with a good backlink profile help to get strong Domain Authority (DA) and rank higher in the Search Engine Result Page (SERP).

Strong Domain Authority of the website helps to increase the value of your words. And Ranking on the main page gives you more clicks and customer engagement.

Therefore, to get more clicks, shares, likes, and most importantly organic visitors there’s nothing better than producing SEO Friendly content in 2022.

It’s not so easy to SEO writing for beginners.

Because at a time one has to write it depending on both reader’s expectation and google’s algorithm.

If you write an article just for SEO, then readers won’t feel comfortable reading it.

On the contrary, If you write an article for just readers and isn’t SEO optimized, then You can’t rank on the SERP.

So, The article you’re writing should be created to focus on both SEO and readers.

In this blog post, I will give you some tips on how to write an SEO-friendly article that is good for search engines and readers.

Without any further ado, let’s stick to the topic.

What is SEO

Basically, SEO (SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION) is the method of getting the website or content ranked on the search engine.

If you do SEO, then your content will rank on the search result.

After all, You will get organic visitors/customers for free.

You have to do 3 types of SEO to get it. These are-

  • On page SEO
  • Off page SEO
  • and, Technical SEO

Article optimization for the blog is a fun and most important part. It’s a part of On-Page optimization. You should have the best SEO articles to get placed on the SERP.

Now, let’s go to the next one.

What does an SEO-friendly article mean?

SEO friendly article is a type of article created according to the search engine’s rules and factors that help the search engines rank it high.

To do the good practice of SEO and rank higher in the search engine there is no excuse for SEO-friendly content writing.

your article should have very qualities than you expect.

Quality doesn’t mean keyword stuffing. Informative and original content with proper optimization is considered a high-quality article.

SEO-friendly article means-

Your article is more informative: Information is power. Google gives the most priority to the information. Which article contains more information can rank higher fast.

SEO keywords are attached naturally: Google looks for genuine-based article which is more informative. If anyone tries to rank on the SERP by doing illegal activity google caught him and takes him away. So, you should attach the keyword and its alternatives in the content naturally in order to stay on good SEO practice.

You are done with linking distribution: Reference is another important part of SEO. Depending on the topic of your article you should create some internal and external links to help to do better SEO.

How to make your articles SEO-friendly?

Research Keyword which is low competitive and long-tailed

Keyword research is about researching for the best keyword which has had good search volume and low difficulty.

It’s very important in SEO and the first step of the content writing strategy.

At the very first of your blog, your website may not have enough SEO scores to beat your competitors.

In this situation, If you choose the wrong keyword which is more competitive then it will be very difficult to rank higher and get organic visitors.

Even, super high-quality Articles won’t help you along if you don’t do keyword research as well.

there are 3 types of keywords. they are-

  1. short-tail
  2. mid-tail
  3. long-tail

try to pick up a long-tail keyword to have in the less competition. A keyword that is 6 words long is better to rank easily than 3 words long keyword.

Attach the focus keyword smartly in the article

Secondly, You have to implement your focus keyword on the article you are writing for SEO.

You have to try to let the search engine knows the topic of your article.

For example, You wanna write about how to write SEO-friendly blog posts. Here the main keyword is “SEO friendly blog posts” and its synonyms should be implemented in your article.

Note: Don’t use keyword Stuffing

Use SEO friendly Title and Headers

This part is most important for both search engines and readers.

Some Expert says that Heading ( you can call “Title tag”) is the main key to successful blogging.

If you write an SEO-friendly article that is very high quality and have plenty of information there but don’t use the heading properly then your article is just useless.

So, Your content should be combined with proper headlines (h1, h2, and h3). And You should optimize them.

Let me explain to you how to do header tag optimization SEO.

You have to just input the prime keyword and its synonym on the Title and sub-heading in your blog posts.

In the title tag (H1), make it eye-catchy, and add the exact match focus keyword. and in the other subheaders, try to add the synonyms and Inverse words of the keyword and.

Suppose, your keyword is ” write SEO friendly article”. You can add synonyms and Inverse words of the keyword like these –

  • SEO optimized content
  • make the article SEO friendly
  • SEO writing tips
  • Create SEO content
  • SEO writing for beginners, and so on.

And as much as you want, you can add like that.

I’d love to tell you one thing! If you can properly use the title and headers then It will be very SEO-friendly and you may rank easily.

Use Meta Data in your articles

Meta Data is basically a series of micro-communication between the search engine and contents. it speaks to the search engine directly to request specific action.

Using meta you can let google knows about your content in short. It helps the website or the article to rank fast.

For the WordPress website, it is very easy to add meta descriptions to the article using an SEO plugin called Yoast SEO.

let’s see-

SEO friendly meta description

According to the description above, Google will identify the article’s topic and give the position which it deserved.

Write super high quality article

Quality is more important than quantity

Steve Jobs

want to rule the industry? write high-quality articles.

Keep in mind that, a high-quality article is always better than 100 valueless articles in SEO.

A quality article doesn’t mean a lengthy article. It could be informative, infographics, easy to read, and search engine friendly articles.

So, it doesn’t matter that you are producing whether short articles or long, make sure they are informative, easy to read, and SEO optimized.

But article length also has an impact on SEO.

This is because search engines think the long article is an informative article that is in-depth and has much more information.

Make your images seo friendly

An image plays an important role in SEO. It’s a very good thing if you add images on the article part by part.

But, to make your article SEO-friendly you should optimize the images by using some method.

For Doing better SEO practice you must use relevant Alt tag (alternative tag) in the all picture of your website.

But, the high-resolution and the big file size of pictures sometimes cause to decrease the page speed.

So, how to optimize your images and speed up the page?

You can use a tool to reduce the file size called tinypng.

It is a picture compression tool you can use for free before uploading your picture on your website. It will reduce the file size of your picture and give a good result to speed up your article’s page.

Write an In-Depth article

In the matter of SEO, the article’s length is very very important. More information will make your article more SEO-friendly.

Whatever you write, try to keep it in detail.

But keep in mind one thing please, this is that don’t even write an unnecessary word. It can make the readers annoyed. As a result, the bounce rate of your website can be increased which is very bad in SEO.

So, the advice is to write articles in detail.

Make Your article shareable on social media

Do you know in SEO how much important the backlink is?

A high-quality Dofollow backlink from a relevant site can rank an article on the search result ASAP…

But, getting the Dofollow backlink is pretty tough.

So what? you have an option to get Nofollow backlinks for free. You can make your content shareable on social media to get Nofollow backlinks for free.

So, to make your article SEO friendly give permission to share it.

Add link to the previous article

One thing you have got is that search engines rank content by the number of backlinks.

It doesn’t matter you are creating external backlinks or internal, but backlink has an immense value to the search engines.

Creating external backlinks is very tough, but you can link up to the existing blog posts you published cause It’s a breeze.

So, the Instruction for you is to add a link to the previous articles to SEO-friendly content making.

This will help the search engine’s bot and people to find the best article. And It will create extra trust in the visitors.


Hopefully, you have got this article useful. If you apply these tips to your content writing material then your website will get more organic traffic. As a result, It will be more SEO-friendly. So, try to apply these tips when writing articles for blog posts. What other ideas do you have to increase the SEO performance of the blog? Don’t forget to share in the comment section below.

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